Forgot you were here

It’s amazing how much time passes by so quickly. I started this blog page the day after graduating in Journalism from the Metropolitan University in London. Now I am sitting at work thinking about what to write, more to fill in what has happened since. (Forgot this blog existed)

So I moved to DC, I live here now. The reason I came here was to obtain a masters in Strategic Communications from American University, School of Communication. Still have about 3 weeks to go before I can say I have a masters… But I have to say life is good, yes I have long 12 hour days (I get headaches) and I come home thinking about food and wanting to crash in my bed…But I do it with a smile on my face, humbled by the fact that I have been given this opportunity to work hard, to have a chance to succeed and meet personal goals. Yes I’m starting at the bottom, working to make ends meet…But I wouldn’t have it any other way, I am happy, I like my studio apartment and I like discovering DC via bus/bicycle and meeting new people. I love where I work and I think the people I work with especially my bosses are amazing and over all great people.

Im grateful for my family and the love & support they always show me. I am grateful for my awesome friends who have become my DC family.

So yes since the first time I put up that graduation picture from way back, a lot has happened, my life changed…I was given a second chance at life. I look forward to what else life will teach me and show me, and hopefully this time I don’t wait a year to update this blog…The truth is I only found this blog because I had to upload a vlog for my social media class and was a little bit confused when it had found itself to this page.

anyway I really should get back to work, back to the grind…remember Atif be Humble, be Grateful and be Honest…till the next time  


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